viernes, 17 de diciembre de 2010

1652-(JAN VAN RIEBEEK) Esclavos malgaches y malayos en Ciudad del Cabo recién libertos(colononia holandesa)-El padre de JAN VAN RIEBEEK murió en Recife

1 comentario:

  1. (The Bosjemans-Abril 1665)-(pag 593) The Brazilian Captain, J. Winter Vogel, and his party of seven volunteers, returned. He reported that about 50 mylen, mostly Northward, they found a certain tribe, very low in stature, and very lean, entirely savage, without any huts, cattle, or any thing in the world, clad in little skins, like the Hottentots, nnd speaking nearly like them.
    FUENTE: Memoir respecting the Kaffers, Hottentots, and Bosjemans, of South Africa
    , Volumen 1 John Sutherland , Pike & Philip, 1846
